Monday, December 17, 2007

Not sure if I'm thinking too much about this...
npr's story:

These aren't "artists", but I believe this is art. And what does it say about our society that people feel the need to confess via an anonymous blog site? And when did it (because I'm sure it has...) evolve from honest confessions from a few to the sheep just wanting to be part of the repentant flock?

Don't look at this from the shining halls of academia. Just look at it. What do you think? Just wondering...


M.T. said...
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M.T. said...

First thought, what sort of self-identification as "artist" is required to create "art"? Would a quilter, or a rug-maker describe him/herself as an artist. But aren't these textiles art?

Second thought, if there isn't a mass of people who aspire to be sheep of a flock of some sort, then religion and laws and therefore civilization are impossible. Perhaps my issue lies with the anonymity of these confessions, as it is with the anonymity of feedback of lots of sorts (e.g., course evaluations). Why don't we--and by "we" I mean culture-at-large, as nebulous as that is--demand accountability in the form of ownership of thoughts and ideas?