Saturday, December 1, 2007

Okay, the poem didn't post--can you cut and paste into the blog windows?

More thoughts. I think the discussion of syntax was great and is apropos "The Sense Account," for as Marius' great reading last night showed, the line b/w sense and nonsense can be very thin. And there's all sorts of possibilities for syntactical deformation/reformation (see Noam Chomsky's "transformative grammar," or John Ashbery's 
A Nest of Ninnies, or Martha Ronk's In a Landscape of Having
to Repeat, or Haryette Mullen's Sleeping with the Dictionary. 

Also, I'll be teaching an Ecopoetics grad class next semester, and one 
of the texts we'll be using is David Abram's The Spell of the Sensuous: 
Perception and Language in the More Than Human World, which takes stock,"makes sense" of articulate nature, both trying to locate 
the source of language in the natural world (and so examining 
Sausserian linguistics' constructions of "arbitrary signs," and looking 
for the syntax of nature as pattern, attention, recognition. In this sense (in that sense?) Abram seeks to anneal the Cartesian mind/body split. Worth checking out--and take the class!: E630A--

'twill be experiential, project and field driven.

Okay, here's the poem:

the sense account

upon their eyes
their ears the
sense record so
full of taste
and touch too
bare finger recoils
spells out smells
the keyboard translates
makes larger space
a place for
listening is a 
plot for making
this cold November
nearly gone but
not forgotten I've 
just typed memento
mori my dear
how they linger
live in they
realms the very
haptic whorl bright
senses color me
now a larger
faculty help me
chime in refracted
ways waves particles
of speech I
say it blue
before the witness
letters mind mapping
days mine blend

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