Thursday, November 29, 2007


What might we do as far as syntax as a theme?
Working with some sort of visual/textual order and disrupting that?


M.T. said...

A thought. The root of syntax, from the Latin & Greek suntaxis meaning sun: together and tassein: arrange. Cf. parataxis & hypotaxis.

Nikki Arnell said...

Researching Postmodern Design, a comment on our now achieved Post-postmodern design (artists are lacking in the eloquence there), part of the breaking of ALL design rules is because the way we read is changing. Due to information dissemination and retrieval in the present time, the generation to come WILL regard syntax differently. Isn't evolution speeding up?

This barely has anything to do with the original post. Thanks for letting me just post thoughts - I would love to hear what anyone thinks of this. Don't be concerned with any lack of proper training in Graphic Design - you've all been properly trained by our mass media.