Friday, November 30, 2007

Donald Davidson et al.

In speaking of syntax and its possibility as a theme for this year, Marius had mentioned Donald Davidson's piece entitled, "A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs" for which I've provided the link to Google Books. Then there was the brief reference to Descartes, in case you want to get really heady about the whole thing.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


What might we do as far as syntax as a theme?
Working with some sort of visual/textual order and disrupting that?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I'm constantly trying to apply Chaos Theory to everything, so here's me opining that maybe we should include some scientists in our artistic endeavors. Just a thought.

The picture at right is an example of the intersection of art & science. It is a sculpture of a teak turbine created by artist Ned Kahn. Click on the picture to link to the NPR story about Ned Kahn's use of science in his work.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Until I figure out how to do a real calendar, here's a Blog calendar. So for now, we have:


This week of November 19th - no school and lots of turkey


Friday, November 30th, 7:30pm at the Wold - MOVIE NIGHT. I'll bring popcorn and kiddy drinks. And imbibing mentioned earlier can (and should) be supplied by others. *hint*hint*

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

text + drawing on the wall: THE NEWS (FROM ACCIDENTAL VESTMENTS)

Another idea (check the two videos first - artist Dan Perjovschi):

- visuals and text to work together (maybe as a system; i.e. the whole to mean more than the parts) directly on a wall - say those of the First National Bank Gallery in the Morgan Library (people go there to read, right!?); collaborators - all of us, in pairs, in threes, quartets of sorts, individually, but anonymous in the result - just "accidental vestments" since that's truly our condition; process - drawing (to be also included in the end show); theme... I don't know: THE (EVENING) NEWS (FROM ACCIDENTAL VESTMENTS)- they always come with images.


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Another intermedia thought...

...the Tate Tracks. An explanation within the YouTube presentation below.
And an example here. Other examples for your viewing pleasure available here.

The Daily Palette

An idea for Accidental Vestments, i.e., some sort of "daily palette"?

Color/Font/Layout Suggestions?

Ok, I know all you graphic designer/visually inspired types have a few things to say about the design, the colors, the fonts, the layout of this page. Please advise and I will modify/change. Additionally, any people you would like to add to this page, to receive and to publish et al., let me know that too.

Touch the Sound

I understand we'll have a viewing of the film, Touch the Sound on Friday, November 30th in "the Wald" at 7:30 p.m. Trailer below.